
When I heard Intel was hosting a game jam at the 2015 Phoenix Comicon, I got really excited! Our team created a modern remake of the old Windows 3.1 classic “SkiFree”, only ours was in 3D… with velociraptors… and explosions. Other than that, it’s pretty much the same game! This jam didn’t have many teams competing, and everybody seemed to be plagued with issues during development. There was a lot of help and discussion between teams during the weekend. It was really cool to see that happening, even despite being on rival teams. At the end of the weekend, we got to showcase our games alongside local indie studios. Our 48 hour games looked kind of lame compared to their well-polished work, but it was a lot of fun none-the-less! It was cool to see so much local talent in Phoenix, and we all had a great weekend.

Screenshot2 AZVG Showcase Poster